December 27, 2002

My Days

Wish me luck! I am now an Art Representative for sculptor, Robert Nicpon. I am representing him on marketing a miniature of a bronze he was commissioned to create a few years ago for the Strake Jesuit campus. I need to get 3 prepaid orders within the next few days to give Robert the "green light" to clear his calendar and to negotiate with the foundry for space on their calendar as well. He will be offering two miniatures - a hot-cast bronze ($4,150) and a cold-cast ($710).

January 4, 2003
For all those who asked, I have information on the artist who sculpted a life-sized bronze titled, The Call of the Father - The Will To Serve, for the Strake Jesuit Mother's Club. The statue was dedicated on Mother's Day of Matthew's Sophomore Year and, because of my contact with the artist, Robert Nicpon, it appears a table-top will become reality. I have received confirmation of six orders. I needed three prepaid orders for Robert to block his calendar for the winter. He tells me it will take him three months working full time to sculpt the piece and have it ready for the foundry. I have not received any money yet, only order confirmation. When I receive the first check, I will post. In the next few days, I will add a link to my blog about the Strake piece.....

January 16, 2003
I have collected money for eight statues and I haven't even sent out the marketing material that I have prepared. John & I are working on it now, and I expect to mail all sometime this week-end. I have given my phone number and my e-mail address, so I should be very busy. The first series will be limited to 100 statues, so I'll keep you posted....

January 16 (continued)...well, this week-end will be rather busy. Matthew has a soccer games in Brenham and I volunteered to make brownies that will be eaten at the end of the 4th game on Saturday. Friday I will make three boxes of brownies, Saturday will drive to Brenham all day for the two scheduled games, before which John & I will finish the envelopes for the mailout and deliver to post office. Return from Brenham, force myself to go to bed early, get up at 1:00 a.m. to drive to Sealy to pick up Courtney from a retreat (where she is a Retreat Leader), come back home, go back to sleep until 4:00 a.m., get up, get Courtney up and drive her to the airport for a 5:30 arrival. Her flight leaves at 6:30 for Washington DC for a Close-Up Week. Wish I could go....should be pretty exciting for her. It is the anniversary of Roe vs Wade and there will be lots of demonstrators.

Posted by Kathleen at 07:59 AM | Comments (98)