Yesterday (Tuesday) Kayleigh and I had our six-week checkup and were both pronounced in magnificent shape. All her tests had come back normal, and she weighed 11 pounds 3 ounces (birth weight was 8 lbs 1 oz). Amazing what that stuff that comes out of my breasts can do! I am getting reacquainted with the feeling of warm spit-up going down my chest and pooling in my bra though, which is generally speaking a bit icky. But it's worth it. She's starting to smile more often now and is spending more time awake. It's already happening--she's growing up too soon!
Jonathan and I have been having much fun playing Sorry and Monopoly Jr. this week; he seems to have been bounced back into game mode after playing so many games with Mom & Dad on Sunday when we got a bonus visit from them. Of course, he had to sandwich the game-playing in between the rides up and down the street in the convertible that was their rental car--that was a big hit with the little guy.
Dale's not doing any better but is having his first round of prolotherapy tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully it will begin to make a difference sooner rather than later. The guy who's doing it is also a cyclist who has had it done to himself after a bad fall, and that's kind of a nice feeling to know it's someone who understands sports & training as well as someone who has undergone the procedure themselves.
I too read Reading Lolita in Tehran and recommend it. One of the things that does come through is how astonishingly narrow the life of the mind can become in a society like what happened in Iran with the rise of the Ayatollah Khomeini.
Guess that's it for now. Basically we are doing well as a household and a family. Dale even told his friend Kavita at work on Monday how we never cook anymore, and then he came home to find that I had made mashed potatoes and baked salmon! I so think Mom and Dad hit the nail on the head when they said many years ago that what they both need is a wife
Who would've thunk it? I just read something Salon has pulled from their archive--an interview with Ron Reagan, son of the recently deceased Ronald Reagan. He's got a lovely sharp tongue! Read the article for yourself and see what you think. My favorite comment, besides the Jack Palance paraphrasal, is that the George W. Bush era is a "regency, not a presidency". Ron was quite prescient about what was going to happen in Iraq in the occupation phase too. I remember thinking similar things during a conversation with a certain uncle last spring--basically that waging war on Iraq/Saddam Hussein was almost guaranteed to be much more complicated than the adminstration (and knee-jerk hardliners) realized. (On behalf of those who have died and been injured over there, I am most disappointed that I turned out to be right about that.)
Jonathan is going to get to introduce Kayleigh to aunties Kathleen & Rita today, and hopefully Courtney too unless she's off gallivanting around with her peer group. Kayleigh already knows her "auntie" Jenny pretty well, and she met Felicia on the day she was born. So this is not bad for a little social butterfly not even a month old yet! At the moment she's stocking up her energy by being zonked on her dad's chest while he and Jonathan watch Thunderbirds.
We are getting to see Kathleen & Rita as they are in town to compete in the Danskin triathlon Sunday morning; Courtney is going to be a swim angel. I shall miss not participating in it this year as I have done the last two, but either next year or (more likely) the year after I'll be back out there. I really feel a responsibility to keep fit now that I have a daughter to set an example for!
Jonathan, Kayleigh, and I paid a visit to Jennifer yesterday to see her new digs in a downtown skyscrapter--they're on the top floor of an 11-story office building. Jonathan seemed quite taken with Jfer's office and windows, and all her coworkers seemed quite taken with Kayleigh. We walked a few blocks away to Hickory Street Bar & Grill for lunch, and Kayleigh slept the whole time on me in the sling. Then we walked Jfer back to work, and the kids & I went to BookPeople (where Kayleigh nursed in the rocking chair there) and Whole Foods. It was a very pleasant afternoon.