Here’s what I think: if people wanted to decrease abortion to negligible frequency today, that could actually be accomplished. Women have been getting rid of unwanted babies ever since society began to attach a stigma to certain births (those out of wedlock, for instance), but in the last thirty years for the first time, that is no longer necessary.
Now we have birth control, multiple options (some better and safer than others, but still—there are options).
So pregnancy can be prevented. But it requires educating all women about how babies get made and then giving them the tools to prevent it.
I find it astonishing that someone can say both that they are against women having access to a safe abortion and that they are simultaneously against birth control. That is not an argument about “saving the lives of unborn babies”, not in the least. One truly concerned about unborn babies would be all about birth control and education. This is about something else entirely. So here’s my take about some of those who call themselves anti-abortion or pro-life—they are not being honest (possibly even with themselves) about their true objective/objections.
Note that this is carefully not a comment on my own feelings about abortion. It is simply a comment on the hypocrisy I cannot fail to see in the contradictory position expressed most often by the “pro-life” camp.
Posted by elizabeth at November 15, 2005 09:12 AMWell of course it's about something else! It's about enforcing "traditional family values". They believe that access to birth control leads to promiscuity without (or with fewer) consequences. Consequences like VDs and pregnancy.
They view consequences as a "good thing". So what if someone catches syphilis or HIV - they deserve it for their slutty ways. And if they get pregnant, they shouldn't be allowed the "easy way out" via abortion. They misbehaved, now they better pay for it. It's a lesson for them and for others with weak characters.
Like you said, if pro-lifers cared about the (unborn) children, they'd support education and contraceptives. They'd also support pre- and post-natal health care, head start, etc. But that would only encourage those immoral people to sin more...
Now obviously this doesn't apply to everyone who's anti abortion. But it seem to apply very much for the politically vocal hypocrites.
Posted by: stepan on November 15, 2005 06:26 PMUnfortunately many people get caught up in the hype of the pro-life movement and fail to think through the entire ramifications of the pro-life position including caring for all of the babies that are born to parents who can't care for them emotionally or financially. I've always wanted to see each pro-lifer adopt at least one unwanted, uncared for baby - put into action what you say you believe. BTW, BC pills were in frequent use in the early 60's - 40 years ago.
Posted by: Cynthia on November 17, 2005 06:59 AM