Just playing with some reports and found some mildly interesting facts. All items below pertain specifically to people in my database, which has just under 2,000 people in it.
The average age of a female at her first marriage was 24.1 whereas a male was 25.8.
The most children a female bore was 14. (This was my mom’s great-grandmother, Lucinda Cecilia Parks, who married Horace Lyman Ensign.)
The average age of a female at her death was 62.6 whereas the average age of a male at his death was 60.3.
The youngest woman to bear a child was only fifteen years old, again on my mom’s side of the family—Susannah Schumacher, Mom’s 2nd great-grandmother, who married David Sprong in 1827.
The oldest woman to bear a child was forty-eight years old. Her name was Orpah Deming, and she was another one of Mom’s 2nd great-grandmothers (her husband was Caleb Wadhams Ensign).
Posted by elizabeth at August 3, 2005 08:30 PMNote--I just realized that Orpah Deming, mentioned last above, was Lucinda Cecilia Park's mother-in-law.
Posted by: Me on August 4, 2005 10:27 AM