Yesterday (Tuesday) Kayleigh and I had our six-week checkup and were both pronounced in magnificent shape. All her tests had come back normal, and she weighed 11 pounds 3 ounces (birth weight was 8 lbs 1 oz). Amazing what that stuff that comes out of my breasts can do! I am getting reacquainted with the feeling of warm spit-up going down my chest and pooling in my bra though, which is generally speaking a bit icky. But it’s worth it. She’s starting to smile more often now and is spending more time awake. It’s already happening—she’s growing up too soon!
Jonathan and I have been having much fun playing Sorry and Monopoly Jr. this week; he seems to have been bounced back into game mode after playing so many games with Mom & Dad on Sunday when we got a bonus visit from them. Of course, he had to sandwich the game-playing in between the rides up and down the street in the convertible that was their rental car—that was a big hit with the little guy.
Dale’s not doing any better but is having his first round of prolotherapy tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully it will begin to make a difference sooner rather than later. The guy who’s doing it is also a cyclist who has had it done to himself after a bad fall, and that’s kind of a nice feeling to know it’s someone who understands sports & training as well as someone who has undergone the procedure themselves.
I too read Reading Lolita in Tehran and recommend it. One of the things that does come through is how astonishingly narrow the life of the mind can become in a society like what happened in Iran with the rise of the Ayatollah Khomeini.
Guess that’s it for now. Basically we are doing well as a household and a family. Dale even told his friend Kavita at work on Monday how we never cook anymore, and then he came home to find that I had made mashed potatoes and baked salmon! I so think Mom and Dad hit the nail on the head when they said many years ago that what they both need is a wife
Dale is a genious! Continuing with the maid service will only ensure a happy wife.
Posted by: Kathleen on July 1, 2004 03:27 PM