January 02, 2004

A Lot of Stuff that People Don’t Know About Me

It’s eye candy…I swear.


i n f o r m a t i o n
1. name: courtney
2. single or taken: single
3. sex: female
4. birthday: december 2
5. sign: sagitarius
6. siblings: 19 year old twin brother
7. hair color: dirty blonde
8. eye color: dark blue
9. shoe size: 9 1/2
10. height: 5’ 7 3/4””
11. favorite foods:
12. hometown: katy, texas

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: walmart is usually on the top of my list
2. have any tattoos or piercings: two for my ears. There was this huge ordeal having me go to the plastic surgeon to get it fixed a while ago.
3. what is your favorite thing to wear?: around the house…a t-shirt and crab boxers. Out…jeans, a belt, nice flip flops, a jacket, and cute, but comfortable shirt. I’m too practical.
4. what is a must have accessory?: my “faith..hope..love” ring I got in my freshman year of high school.
5. how much is the most you’ve ever spent on a single item of clothing?: personally me, probably around $50, though I can’t remember what it is. I guess my mom…$150, for homecoming dresses, etc.
7. who is the most fashionable person you know?: taryn is always looking stylish…there are other people, but that’s the first one that popped in my head.
8. who is the least fashionable person you know?: amber, maybe. She can look really cute when she tries, but she’s usually in really big t-shirts and huge jeans.
9. do you match your belt with your hair color?: no…there is no way I could find a belt that would match my hair.
10. what is the worst thing you’ve ever thought looked good
11. what are you wearing right now?: a bra, pink butterfly undies, a texas a&m t-shirt, and my crab boxers
12. how many pairs of shoes do you own?: about 10, even though I am very very fond of flip flops.
13. what is the worst trend you see today?: 5 year old girls trying to dress and act like they’re 15 years old

s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs? no
2 what kind of shampoo do you use?: I think herbal essences. It’s basically what’s available
3. what are you most scared of?: not fulfilling my dream
4. what are you listening to right now?: five for fighting-“100 years”
5. who is the last person that called you?: Brandon
6. where do you want to get married?: as long as it’s with the right person, I don’t care
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 17
8. what would you change about yourself?: everybody has their imperfections
9. what are essentials in your life?: water, food, exercise, and happiness
10. if you had the power to do any one thing, what would it be?: stop time so that I could make someone’s day
11. what nationality are you?: scotch-irish.
12. do you send out holiday cards each year?: no…I would rather give out personal letters instead

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given someone a bath?: of course…little kids, though.
2. bungee jumped?: no
3. made yourself throw up?: nah
4. skinny dipped?: gulf of mexico, baby
5. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: I can’t do that.
6. cried when someone died?: yea
7. fallen for your best friend?: no
8. been rejected?: yea…kinda. That was weird
9. rejected someone?: yea…it hurts
10. used someone?: not that I can think of

c u r r e n t
1. hair: up in a pony tail/bun thing. But it’s the natural color and about to my shoulders
2. music: I like about everything…from classical, to rock, to ghetto, to alternative, to country…I’m various
3. make-up: I don’t usually wear makeup, but when I do, I use liquid foundation, brown eyeshadow, colored/flavored lipgloss, and a little mascara. I go for the “natural” look.
4. annoyance: being used
5. scent: since this Christmas, I have gained a fond liking of “8” by A&F
6. favorite artist: I’m sick of music right now…so Monet
7. favorite group: I like Five for Fighting a lot now.
8. desktop picture: a picture of my family when we climbed a mountain
9. book you’re reading: none…at night I read “chicken Soup for the Friendship” or something like that
10. cd in player: a burned cd…it’s basically alternative and mellow music.
11 dvd in player: “Finding Nemo”…oh. It rocks
12. color of toenails: I haven’t painted my nails in forever, which reminds me…I need to get a pedicure before I go back to school


What is your favorite all time food? Canelonni
What is your favorite cheese? Cracker Barrel sharp cheddar
What are your favorite cereals? Go-lean Crunch and Raisin Bran
What is your favorite soft drink? Sunkist
What is your favorite kind (flavor) of ice cream? Chocolate Moolenium Crunch
What is your favorite restaurant? EZ’s
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell
What type of ethnic foods do you like best? (Mexican, Italian, Chinese, etc.) Italian
How often do you eat out? Hardly ever
How many times do you eat at a restaurant per week? .2 times
What kind of food do you like to eat in restaurants? Really really good salads
Does the food you enjoy eating have vitamins? Most of the time
Do you eat 5 fruits and vegetables everyday? yea
Is most of your food healthy? very
What do you think is a tasty but healthy snack? Granny smith apple with peanut butter
What is your least favorite fruit? Cantaloupe… yuck
What is your least favorite vegetable? Squash. Even the name sounds disgusting
What is your least favorite food? Chinese chicken morsels…long story
What food would you introduce to a foreign visitor? Good ole’ Velveeta shells and cheese
Do you eat junk food? Not usually…but sometimes
What do you eat more of junk food or vegetables & fruit? Vegetables and fruit
How many people don’t like candy? Not many
What food do you eat on your birthday? A nice dinner and then of course, cake
Does your eating habits reflect your family’s? mine are better
What time do you eat? At home we eat at 8pm, but at school I eat between 5-10pm. It depends what I’m doing.
What’s your favorite sandwich? a big one, probably with turkey, and lots and lots of veggies (tomato, sprouts, onions, bell pepper, olive, etc.)

Bath Products:

Shampoo: Herbal Essences
Conditioner: no preference, but I love this spray in conditioner by loreal kids
Toothpaste: I like colgate a lot. Anything that makes my teeth smile is good for me
Toothbrush: as long as it’s in good and working condition
Floss: I like thick floss with a little bit a flavor, preferably mint
Deodorant: Secret, really good smelling. All the way
Perfume: Victoria secret-pink
Shaving Gel: skintimate. It’s pretty cheap and smells wonderful
Razor: Venus…bought my first one 1.5 years ago, and I haven’t changed since.

More to come…maybe later. Right now, I’m tired.

Posted by Courtney at 01:24 AM | Comments (671)

January 18, 2004

The Second Time Around

This is the second time around that I have a made a post today. It happens that the one that I “posted” originally did not publish. (my computer was being pretty stupid)

I’m back in College Station, and I am ready…for my indepence back. yay! I’m not quite sure about those things called classes, but eh, I guess that come with my independence.

My Christmas vacation was very awesome, and I have to say that 5 weeks is way better than a measly 2. Not much has changed in my life, so I don’t have too much to update people on, but that’s okay. I also like my super high speed internet. We have AOL (high speed) and it sucks. I’m just glad that I have my good internet back.

I’m supposed to pick up my books tomarrow. I have a band class on Tuesday. I’m going to go swimming tomarrow as well. It’s been a while since I have been in a world class swimming pool, and I can’t wait. Well, I’m off to watch a movie, and I promise that the future posts will be better. I have too much on my mind right now. Have a good life until next time.

Posted by Courtney at 11:28 PM | Comments (1014)

January 21, 2004

I Am Gregarious

gre·gar·i·ous (gr-gâr-s)
Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable. See Synonyms at social.
Tending to move in or form a group with others of the same kind: gregarious bird species.
Botany. Growing in groups that are close together but not densely clustered or matted.

This title and entry does not have much relevence to what I will most likely talk about. Shoot and fire, and then I’ll see where the arrow lands. Basically, what I was doing was trying to look up a definition on www.dictionary.com , and then I looked at the synonyms/antonyms, and I found the word “gregarious.” I thought I knew of the definition, remembering in my head “opposite of bellicose…kinda.” because that is how I remembered the word when I first learned it. So, I looked it up and decided to share with the world a clarification of what the word meant (as if I needed to already…). I think today and TOMORROW that we should all try to be gregarious, and we could call it G-Day. Kinda like V-Day, but there probably wouldn’t be millions of people in the center of New York. Well, that’s my thought on the word.

I have been taking lots of pictures lately with my new camera that I got for Christmas. Some of them are very weird, but that’s okay because I’m allowed to be. I live in America. I have already set up a link on the “Links” part of my main page, titled “MY PICTURES.” Not all of them are from my digital camera, but all the ones that are titled “Taryn and I me…etc” are. I took those yesterday when we were just being really weird, so be prepared.

I think this semester is going to wrap up very nicely. I think my Vector Calc teacher (not a prof, but extremely good). He speaks “real” English (as opposed to “fake” English), which is very exciting. My last math professor kinda spoke it, but his German accent was too strong that it was hard to understand what he was saying. I have also gone to a Biology lab, which he actually had lots of work to do. I think I will enjoy taking this class minus all of the studying that you have to do because it is biology and not chemistry (where you can just “know it” and you’re fine). I have already gone to band class, and I told Kelly (my roommate) that I felt like a dork going to class. I had my backpack on, and my trumpet in its case was on my shoulder. It just reminded me of high school and how much I never practiced. Oops!

I was supposed to have an 8 am chemistry lab today, but it turns out that we’re not supposed to meet on the first week of classes. Whew! That way I have time to do other things, such as read the Houston Chronicle (which I ordered this semester) or blog and things. I have been trying to stay up with the election because it truly does interest me. And I find it interesting how different viewpoints that people have. For example, take our family. You have Meredith on the total end on Liberalism, and then you have my mom and John and Matthew Karl on a very far side of Conservatism. It’s really amazing. What’s funny is that people never see the other side of it. For instance, I am very right winged. I don’t believe in 1) “the choice to choose,” 2) gay marriages 3) the majority of welfare 4)affirmative action…grr 5)etc… Even though it’s very obvious what I am, it doesn’t matter because I can’t see the way that makes other people vote an opposite way. Take welfare. I absolutely hate it. Even if you are poor, it is WAY overabused. Some (and not all) cases have the typical uneducated, illiterate woman with 18 bizillion kids about to have another one. Our govenment keeps giving her money because of her status. Even though I am very sympathetic towards these kinds of things, I think that there should be a better way to help her along. Money can be bought on anything. I think that if she doesn’t have a job, she should be able to find one. She could McDonald’s and get a promotion…etc. Just because her status currently is not favored, it doesn’t mean that she can’t turn around. We all didn’t start in the world different. We were babies, and I do understand if she obtain a higher education, but there are people w/o that are doing fabulous. You just have to make it happen. So, what I was saying is that I can’t sympathize with what welfare promotes, and I will probably never be able to see it’s greatness.

Too much of politics for one day…argh.

Posted by Courtney at 08:46 AM | Comments (603)

January 24, 2004

The Family May Be Offended

The bad thing about having a family site is that my family can read this. (go figure!) That’s why the posts that I usually publish are not very personal or a true representation of growing up. It’s not that I do bad things, like drugs and sex, but all of us know that some of the things that we have done in the past are not something you want to tell your children about until they are older…very older. Friends are so great for that reason because they share with you the same experiences. Thank your friends.

Without further ado, I will proclaim the good news of which some people think is immature, but it is my life and so be it.

Yesterday after my chemistry class no no no…wait i can’t say this. Maybe later when i’m drunk

p.s. I don’t drink.

Posted by Courtney at 02:38 PM | Comments (820)

January 27, 2004

Condom Fun

In my last entry, “The Family May Be Offended,” I will tell what I was going to share with the world. I think I was stuck on the fact of what I did. It was pretty out of my nature, so I took back.

Like I was saying. On Friday, my friend Taryn and I were coming back from our chemistry class when we saw these coupon books just lying around. (they were for students to take and use). I took one and started flipping through to see what kind of coupons I was going to get. On coupon #72, I found the company Planned Parenthood. It turns out there was a free coupon for 1 dozen condoms. Because I have never seen a condom before, and neither has Taryn, we decided to go redeem our coupon, except we got 31 books (the left over). I’m no mathematician, but I know that 12*31= A LOT OF CONDOMS. So, we went into our car, and drove to Planned Parenthood. It was SOOO freaky. We walked in, and there were signs on the door everywhere saying that you couldn’t bring your backpack in or a cell phone. It was so dark that it took my eyes a while to adjust. And we even had to push a red button to leave. It scared me. So, we redeemed our coupons, but they jipped us about 100. But we already had too many, so it didn’t really matter. Taryn and I went back to our room with a bag full of condoms. We gave some out, but we were just laughing so hard because of what we just did. All and all it was a memorable experience both fun and educating. It reminded me what I was so pro-life. In fact, I’m going there today, but instead of going in and getting condoms, I will be praying outside the builidng.

Posted by Courtney at 08:58 AM | Comments (512)

January 31, 2004

Where I Live

I’ve got the joy JOY joy JOY joy JOY!!!!! I’m happy right now. The past couple of days have been very good. I’ve been very busy, but I’ve already expected that because c’mon…I’m in college! Today was a very productive one. I cleaned my room, did my laundry, ran 4 miles, went grocery shopping, and had a good time with my roommate. We went to Jason’s Deli for dinner, and I got a turkey reuben. Can you say yum? I saved half of it, so that I could eat it later. I suppose that I will eat it tomorrow for lunch. Not too much has been going on at school that you all don’t already know about. I’m getting used to College Station, and I don’t think it’s that bad of a town—just one of those things that you have to get used to. I might even say that I am coming fond of it. After all, it is my residence. Even though it has a bunch of college kids, (48,000 to be exact), it is a town which I can feel at home and that people know who I am. Maybe, it has to do with that I have established myself here, which is very important. I run into people that I know all the time. I can call someone up, and they will do something with me. It’s just a great feeling of growing up. I don’t feel old now, I feel very young. It’s amazing how quickly we all change. That’s the great thing about life. Well, I’m off to watch a movie with my roomie. Carpe Diem.

Posted by Courtney at 10:26 PM | Comments (717)